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Adventures of Little Acorn - Episode 3


We went to the 'Warm Space' this week and we loved it. If you don’t know about it already, it’s a space for all ages to gather every Friday at Catterall Village Hall. It’s on from 11am - 2pm but you can just drop in and out at a time that suits you, and it’s totally free.

There’s plenty of car parking available, baby changing, toilets, and there’s a park nearby too. My little one and I stopped off here on our way home. We sat on the grass together, walked through the willow tunnel, and even found some daisies.

There’s hot drinks and biscuits, nature sensory toys and books for the little ones, and board games for the older children too. Each week there’s a different activity to take part in if you want to, and this week it was painting mandala stones. Even though it’s held indoors, there is bird song fed through the speakers. Close your eyes for a second and you’ll think you’re in the forest. It's really lovely.

I enjoyed a coffee and a custard cream while my little one enjoyed playing with the other children, being her usual sociable self. It was also nice for me to have the time and space to chat with others. I felt really relaxed.

I’d love to see the Warm Space continue, or have a similar alternative take its place. Somewhere you can just drop in if you have a free hour or so, to have a cuppa, a chat, and let your children play. I’m sure the team at Roots to Branches would love some feedback on this, but for me I feel new parents would really benefit from this kind of thing. Especially in the early months when it can be hard to get out. Until next time, Forest Mum and Little Acorn x




Jenna 07847313142
Lisa 07585660723

Roots to Branches Forest school community interest company (CIC)
company number 13415508
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