It’s been a busy couple of weeks for Little Acorn and I. So busy that we completely forgot to write up our blog for last week! To make up for it we’ll be covering two Mini Mudders sessions in this episode. To tell you the truth, we almost didn’t go to Mini Mudders last week. It started snowing as we were leaving, and I really wasn’t sure if I wanted to brave the cold. But we went, and I’m so glad we did. The forest looked so beautiful; like a magical winter wonderland.

A tarp was positioned above the fire pit to shelter us all from the snow/hail/rain and hot drinks were offered to keep us all toasty warm. The activity this week, if you wanted to take part, was to make your own paper plant pot. Of course, everything else the forest had to offer, was on offer. Little Acorn and I went for a little walk to see what we could find. She wasn’t that interested in the mud kitchen this week, but she did take a liking to the huge spiders web and all the goodies hanging from it. My daughter found some pine cones on the forest floor and began posting them through the web.

She did this on her own accord and without any demonstration from me. She wasn’t playing with a toy that was specifically made to fine tune posting skills, she was using nature and it was an instinctual thing for her. Even though it was something so simple, I found it so profound. We live in a busy world but there’s joy to be found in getting back to basics.

This week at Mini Mudders the weather was acting a bit more Spring like. Jenna, the Forest School leader began the session by leading a group walk around the forest. She had hidden little cardboard cut out eggs that the children were prompted to find. We then read a story about an owl, and this week’s activity was to make your own bird feeder. A fire was then lit and everyone enjoyed hot drinks and toasted bagels around the fire. Yum!

This week my daughter discovered the delights of moss. She loved tearing it apart and discovering the texture between her fingers. We spent a lot of the session playing with the dolls house and so inevitably moss is now stored away in all of the miniature cupboards and wardrobes. Can you tell she’s still very much into posting? We also had lots of fun throwing moss up into the air and watching gravity do its thing. She found it hilarious!

Mini Mudders is becoming our most treasured toddler group. Have you tried it yet?
Until next time,
Forest Mum and Little Acorn x